Where do I find content ideas?

Do you worry about what to use in your content?

If you’ve been in business for a while you'll have been asked a few questions along the way from both existing clients and potential new ones.

I’m off to see a new client this week to support with content creation for their LinkedIn and I’m excited to be showcasing their knowledge so their potential audience can appreciate what they know and how they can help.

When you’re building up a strategy for showing up on LinkedIn, don’t worry that you’re giving too much away.

The right clients for you will respect that you can support what they do, and help them in areas they know they need help, but didn’t know about your services or didn’t know about you.

We are often shy about shouting about what we do, but unless we share our knowledge how does our audience get to know us and make judgements on whether they can trust us?

Sharing regular insight is one of the best ways to enable your audience to feel supported by you.

Reminders of key dates in your sector, awareness of sector-specific events that would be relevant to them, training to show that you’re up to date in your field all support a good social media strategy, alongside other marketing solutions.

When you convey your expertise through examples of your work, remaining completely confidential of course, you speak to your ideal audience in a way that shows understanding of the challenges they face and can encourage them to feel you’re the right professional to help them.

So have a think about those questions that you get asked, not only by your clients but other business people you meet at networking or perhaps questions you’ve been asked online too and address these in your content. You know someone will want to read this type of content because the questions have already been asked by your ideal audience!

So consider, what are the biggest challenges your customers face that you can help with?

And what’s the one biggest challenge that you’re facing using social media currently?

If you’re reading this but you struggle to come up with ideas, you could book a strategy session with me to brainstorm and set your marketing in motion here.

We often find a blank page intimidating but once you sit down and talk about where you want your business to go and who you’d like to work with, the ideas start to flow. How often do you find the time in your business to create?

Or perhaps you need more input and would like a package of 25 bespoke posts to keep you consistent and help you speak to your audience? Did you know I offer this package? Get in touch today or check out this page for more information

Nicola Moss

Experienced in business, events, marketing and sales, I bring my learnings together to help you with your social media marketing and strategy for your business.


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