Key strategies to optimise your LinkedIn profile

“How do I use social media, in particular LinkedIn to get in front of my ideal clients?”

This is a question I get asked all the time so here are my suggestions for enhancing your LinkedIn profile so that your potential clients are drawn to you.

It's important to remember that social media is one of many complementary touch points in the customer journey, however most clients will check you out on socials before they make the leap to contact you.

Having said that you can help your clients better understand what you do and how you can help by optimising your profile.

Focusing on LinkedIn, if a potential client notices you on LinkedIn and doesn't understand what you offer within 10 seconds it's likely they'll scroll on by and check out the next person.

So let's make things as easy as possible for our audience and not try to be too clever or too vague.

Researching how people describe themselves or their occupation is quite interesting. let me give you an example

CEO/ Managing Director of XXX doesn't really tell people what you do or whether you could help them …… unless you’re hoping to be employed by them! 

So try describing what you do, who you help and what you help them achieve in a sentence so that your audience can tell if you offer the kind of help they’re looking for and you have an appropriate headline* to ‘travel’ with you all around LinkedIn.

*The headline is your descriptive that you see under your name, which displays whenever you like, react or comment on a post below your profile picture so that anyone else who has reacted to that post would see it.

I always advise my clients to make the most of the features that creator mode offers by filming a video cover story to create an introduction with impact -  you can find out how to do this with my free download here .

It’s widely recognised that we connect much more quickly with video that simply the written word, so use this function to your advantage.

Another key way to help your audience know more about you is to activate your ‘features’ section with highlights of your best posts, YouTube clips that you've been involved with, podcast you've recorded or been a guest on, presentations you've created and really any opportunity to show what you do and the impact you've had.

If you need specific support to optimise your LinkedIn profile, drop me a line and if you've got some top tips of your own to share, drop them in the comments below.

And before you go….

Dreaming of consistent income for your business?

No more wild ups and downs of the business flow?

Confidence that your business will bring you a prosperous future?

Join the waitlist for my Simple Content Formula 4 week training, where we’ll deep dive into how you can use LinkedIn to bring you those leads and sales your business deserves. Click the link here.

Nicola Moss

Experienced in business, events, marketing and sales, I bring my learnings together to help you with your social media marketing and strategy for your business.

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